Communicating with your participants can be difficult when its windy or you have an engine close by. Think about where you position yourself, upwind and out of direct sunlight is most helpful. Try to communicate with sailors using a clear voice, and without shouting.
As Instructors we are often the first point of contact for people who are new to our clubs and Discover Sailing Centres, our role as an instructor is to ensure that we provide quality participant experiences to individuals who take part in any of the courses and programs we deliver.
As foiling opportunities increase at clubs and through class association coaching programs, with Foil-Labs now being delivered across the country by coaches, it is important to consider the safety requirements for the foil towing aspect of the program, and to be on top of safety, ensuring that the experience remains a safe and enjoyable one for participants.
Often it’s fun to end a knot tying session with a fun challenge, whether it’s with the classic tie up the instructor (Only done if there is another assistant/ instructor present) or a game. A fun way to change things up is with a problem solving challenge like a knot challenge to stimulate the mind.
The series will feature Performance Pathway and #NEXTLEVEL coaches who will share insights on a range of topics, including coaching tactics and strategy, creating training plans in club environments, coaching drills, moderating groups, and more…
Resources to help Instructors and Discover Sailing Centres engage with children with autism, to ensure they feel included, especially when starting Tackers for the first time are soon to be published on the Australian Sailing website.
Quality sailing experiences are achieved when the right people do the right things at the right times, resulting in positive experiences for participants.
Holly Hunt has been an active coach and Instructor at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club since 2019 and currently predominantly coaches’ youth development in the 29ers. With 16+ years of sailing under her belt, Holly has competed at state, national and international level in a variety of boats and is currently an active Moth and GP42 sailor.
Different classes and specific sailing situations are going to demand different physical capabilities, but no matter which class your coaching, helping your sailors to meet the demands of sailing will help to ensure you keep them safe, healthy, and performing at their best.
Australian Sailing is soon to launch its new learn to wing program, aimed at introducing beginners to the wing and developing the fundamental skills needed to latter progress to the WingFOIL with confidence.
How people learn, is as individual as the sailor themselves, as coaches we should be creating learning environments that stretch everyone to learn, and to make sure they have fun, whilst doing it!
The 2023 Training in Focus - Live dates are now set and registrations are open for all Instructors, Discover Sailing Centre Principles and Training administrators to attend.
Following on from last month’s article where we looked at autism we are now focusing on sailors and participants who might have an Intellectual disability and what coaching and instruction techniques will help you in teaching someone with an intellectual disability.
Are you a Coach delivering Advanced-fleet programs at your club, or with your class Association? Australian Sailing has a range of resources available to assist you with preparing sailors in any class of boat or board for State and National championships.