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New Club Services Team for 2019

Grant Willmott and Annie Watson will be looking after Queensland and Northern New South Wales Clubs in 2019 under the supervision of Regional Manager Ben Callard.  Between them they have many years of experience in many different aspects of the sport of sailing.  Grant and Annie will be working towards helping each Club to be the best they can be.
QLD club news

Get Started Vouchers

For those clubs in declared disaster areas due to the North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, there is no need to worry about potential eligible members missing out on Get Started Vouchers.
QLD club news

Discounts on Australian Sailing Courses run in Queensland

Australian Sailing have been able to allocate some money received under a Queensland Government grant to provide discounts for Queensland clubs and members. The offer is strictly limited and will run until the end of 2019 or until the quota has been reached. Please see attached document for a list of the courses, the discount on offer, the discount code and the conditions.
QLD club news QLD