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The Blue Card System Explained

With some limited exceptions, anyone who works in a Club, Association or Discover Sailing Centre and provides services to children, or conducts activities for children, must have a blue card. This requirement applies to paid staff and volunteers alike. It is a responsibility of both the individual and the organisation to ensure that these requirements are met.

There are several exceptions to the requirement to hold a blue card, most notably that a parent who volunteers to provide services or conduct activities doesn’t need a blue card if their child receives similar services, or takes part in similar activities, that the parent provides at the same Club. For example, a parent doesn’t need a blue card to instruct a Tackers group if their child is also in the Tackers program at that Club.

For more information about who needs a blue card, including the exemptions mentioned above, Blue Card Services has created a helpful fact sheet with several examples. You can also contact Blue Card Services on 1800 113 611 or 07 3211 6999, or visit

Additional information for DSCs, Clubs and Associations

As an organisation that has employees or volunteers who work with children, you must:

  1. Ensure that anyone working with children has a valid blue card before they start working for you;
  2. Confirm the card-holder’s identity (for example, by checking photo ID);
  3. Link and delink card holders when they start and finish work with you (see here for instructions);
  4. Maintain a register of all people engaged in child-related work in your organisation;
  5. Develop and implement a child and youth risk management strategy (see below for more information); and
  6. Inform Blue Card Services of any change to your organisation’s information.

Child and Youth Risk Management Strategies

A good Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy helps your Club, Association or Discover Sailing Centre identify and minimise risks to children in your organisation. It’s also a legal requirement for any organisation with employees or volunteers required to have a blue card.

There are eight requirements for a Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy:

  1. Statement of commitment
  2. Code of conduct
  3. Recruitment, selection, training and management
  4. Reporting disclosures and suspicions of harm
  5. Managing breaches
  6. Risk management plan for high-risk activities
  7. Managing compliance with the blue card system
  8. Communication and support.

The Queensland Government has published a guide to each of these eight requirements, called the Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Organisation’s Toolkit. Click here to access the Toolkit.

Click on this link to access a suite of additional resources, including template documents and a self-assessment checklist.

Mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse

Recently, the law in Queensland has changed to better protect children from abuse. Specifically, two new obligations have been introduced:

  1. All adults are now mandatory reporters. That is, all adults in the community that reasonably believe (or should reasonably believe) that a child under 16 is the victim of current or past sexual abuse must report it to the police as soon as possible, unless they have a reasonable excuse.
  2. Adults employed by, or who volunteer for, an institution that provides services or facilities for children have a duty to protect children from sexual abuse. Specifically, such a person commits an offence if they:
    1. Know there is a significant risk that another adult associated with the institution will commit a sexual offence against a child under 16 who is under the care, supervision or control of an institution; and
    2. Have the power or responsibility to reduce or remove the risk; and
    3. Wilfully or negligently fail to reduce or remove the risk.

Click here for more information about these changes.


If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 000.

If you have a reason to suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm or being neglected, contact Child Safety Services Centres and talk to someone about your concerns:

  • During normal business hours - contact the Regional Intake Service.
  • After hours and on weekends - contact the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre on 1800 177 135 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).